[스크랩] 120년전 한국인들의 생활상 귀한사진
120년전 한국인들의 생활상 귀한사진
- Smokin', Gamblin', and Gossiping
- High Class Family
- The Short-Cut Home, or,
a Korean SPIDERMAN Does His Thing. SEOUL
- Kids on the City Wall, SEOUL
- A Crowed Scene on a Side Street, PYONGYANG
- A Rustic Road Near SEOUL
- The Bean Grinder, SEOUL
- A "Greasy Spoon" Restaurant in SEOUL
- The Chicken Seller, SEOUL
- Charcoal Carriers, SEOUL
- Junks Along the Han River at YUNG SAN,
a Logging Town Near SEOUL
- Two Kinds of Loads on the Streets of SEOUL
- Public School With a Holding Cell Under the Floor
Reserved For Wild Kids, SEOUL -
- Tiger Hunters in the Hills Outside of SEOUL
- Shoeing a Horse at the Blacksmith's Home, SEOUL -
- Japanese Make Sure the Koreans Know Who's in Charge !
This is Korea ca.1897-1900.
Commenter idea0853 believes it is actually September 6th, 1897.
See his comment far down below.
As a stereoview,
- Human "Dirt Pounders"
Harden the Foundation for a New Post Office. SEOUL, 1903+